The Mediator Mentors Project, a program extended through Fresno State, is a university-public school partnership in which future teachers, counselors, social workers and school psychologists support the development of conflict resolution skills in school children and youth. Teachers and students in the public schools receive 10-12 hours of communication and conflict resolution training and university students coach and mentor at lunch periods in elementary school or fifth period in middle school. More than 8,000 children and teachers have participated in the program.
Student Peer Mediation at Soulsbyville Elementary
Sierra NonProfit Services offers this Student Peer Mediation program at Soulsbyville Elementary School. For the past few years, our program has trained teachers and student peer mediators to resolve conflicts in a healthy and productive way.
Student peer mediators most recently said:
“I use this at home and it helps with siblings and friends–especially the “I” Messages.”
“I feel like this is helpful to others and I’m feeling happy about learning this.”
“It’s fun helping littler kids to resolve their conflicts; and now they come to me with problems to solve.”
“I’m a little more confident now and have learned about how to deal with some people who are not getting along.”
“I am in my second year as a peer mediator and I’m feeling really good about the process as I have learned questions that help others find solutions and make agreements.”
Thus, we are teaching our youth in and out of the classroom to be respectful and a part of the solution–establishing an environment of cooperation and safety (and empowerment).